Puppies, Dogs, and Halloween, Oh My!

Puppies, Dogs, and Halloween, Oh My!

Holidays can be a stressful time not only for people but our pets as well.  Halloween can be especially challenging for our furry family members.  With a little planning and training you can make Halloween less scary and more fun for everyone. For Every Holiday Dogs...
Camping With Dogs

Camping With Dogs

This weekend I celebrated the end of camping season with a two night trip out to the lake with my two dogs.  Both my dogs love camping and I love camping with them.  It really gives us a chance for a great deal of one on one bonding time. I just recently purchased a...
Easy Crate Training

Easy Crate Training

I have always had success crate training dogs. I think a lot of that success has to do with my mindset about crate training. Instead of looking at it from the human perspective, I look at it from the dog’s perspective. What do I mean by that? Well, when I ask most...
Avoiding Puppy Mills

Avoiding Puppy Mills

The situation is as predictable as it is preventable.  A hapless person calls about a small breed dog that they purchased from a pet store or breeder.  Although they paid a lot of money for a pure bred, registered puppy, they are having multiple problems.  First the...